hello everyone!! hope you all have a good day today ^^..
I just want to share with you all my new nail design...it's pretty nice and simple and really easy to do...
I used a black nail polish from BarryM and a lycra PRO from Rimmel...you can use any nail polish brand to do your's, it's up to you ^^
both really good brand by the way :)..
to do the perfect flick, what you need is a really fine thin nail brush (on the top pic)...
1 apply a base coat
2 apply the lycra nail polish (or a gold nail polish)
3 get your brush and make a flick
4 from the side top and loose it a bit when you get to the bottom of your nail
it's kinda hard to do it at first but practice what makes it perfect at the end ^^
<3 pReCiOuS <3